Rod Link Reducer

Product Overview
Originally developed at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, the Rod Link Reducer technique is designed to aid in the correction of severe spinal curvatures. This technique increases leverage to manipulate the spine in the axial, coronal and sagittal plane with a novel set of instruments. Manipulating Arms are attached to provisional rods which are placed proximal and distal to the apex of the curve. The deformity is manipulated into a corrected position, then the construct is rigidly locked in place while a permanent rod is installed on the contralateral side.
Features and Benefits
Time Saving
May reduce operative time compared to traditional methods.1
Controlled Correction
Allows controlled correction of severe sagittal, coronal, and axial deformity.
Rigid Construct
Holds and maintains correction during rod placement.
1. Zhang, et al. A novel posterior rod-link-reducer system provides safer, easier, and better correction of severe scoliosis. Spine Deform 7(3):445–453, 2019.