ExcelsiusGPS® is a multifunctional robotic navigation platform that provides unique real-time information throughout spine surgery.


Since I’ve started with ExcelsiusGPS® in December 2017, I have not placed a regular thoracic or lumbar pedicle screw without it. It’s never failed me; I’ve been happy with it.

Charles Kanaly
Neurosurgeon | St. Anne’s Hospital

ExcelsiusGPS®: SMARTER, FASTER, STRONGER Robotic Navigation

Partial Cortex Implant - Outline

Smart tools to maintain navigation integrity

Tracked Time

Streamlined workflow with less disruption

Industrial Robot - Outline

Rigid arm guidance for any approach

ExcelsiusGPS Robotic Navigation

ExcelsiusGPS® Premier Centers
Experience a Live Case Observation

Our state-of-the-art case observation sites offer a unique opportunity for peer-to-peer education in an operating room setting with ExcelsiusGPS® by trained robotic spine surgeons using multiple approaches and workflows.

Robotic Spine Symposium

Robotic Spine Symposiums

Didactic and cadaveric educational programs provide a thorough understanding of the clinical uses of ExcelsiusGPS®. The symposiums are led by thought leaders on robotic spine surgery and provide an opportunity for neurosurgeons and orthopaedic spine surgeons to advance their knowledge and surgical skills related to this technology.

BioSkills Lab
Reference Program
Education Events
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BioSkills Lab

BioSkills lab allow you to plan, align, and navigate direct implant placement with ExcelsiusGPS® in a cadaveric setting.

Robotics bioskills lab
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Reference Program

The phone reference program connects you with a peer who currently uses ExcelsiusGPS® for an educational conversation about clinical usage. Calls last 30-minutes with varying time zones available.

Medical File Created with Sketch.


Education Events

Regional ExcelsiusGPS® educational events are led by current robotic spine surgeons using the technology. Interested surgeons and staff can attend and learn more about clinical applications. The events involve hands-on sawbones demonstrations with ExcelsiusGPS® and case presentations over dinner.

robot tech

Featured ExcelsiusGPS®
Clinical Study

Robotic-assisted navigated minimally invasive pedicle screw placement in the first 100 cases at a single institution shows 99% screw placement success rate!