
World renowned neurosurgeons Dr. Harvey W. Cushing, Dr. Walter E. Dandy, and orthopaedic spine surgeon Dr. Henry H. Bohlman dedicated their lives to the training and education of surgeons.
Through the enormous generosity of their families and close friends, career-long collections of radiographic archives, 35mm slides, and memorabilia are in the care of MERC in our research library.

Dr. Henry H. Bohlman (July 22, 1937–May 27, 2010)

Dr. Harvey W. Cushing (April 8, 1869–October 7, 1939)

Dr. Walter E. Dandy (April 6, 1886–April 19, 1946)
As caretakers and stewards of Dr. Bohlman’s, Dr. Cushing’s and Dr. Dandy’s work, MERC appreciates the importance of this role in bringing their wishes to fruition—creating a living digital archived database dedicated to the education and training of future generations of spine surgeons.

This collection is dedicated to all devoted spine surgeons around the world for the benefit of patients suffering from spinal deformity and neurologic compression.
The Bohlman-Cushing-Dandy Memorial Research Library and Archives includes more than 60,000 x-rays and slides, along with Dr. Bohlman’s personal library and memorabilia.